Selasa, 18 Oktober 2016

Easy Baby Easy

What do you think about the situation?

I lost my game, I’m feeling sad as I’m proud to be loving you

What do I know? I don’t deserve. There’s nobody want me to know

I have to do some little act,

Talking, sleeping, eating, and laughing for nothing

Good for you and the people

Something must be done, but, how? When it’s over, I think I’m gonna be fine

Except if I hear some people come and ask me about what I meant was.

It’s good to know. But it’s bad to feel.

Sun is shining and sun is sinking

So, what are we waiting for? Let the sun up and down. Time is never stop

I promise you. We’re here and we’ll gone. I light the cigarette and then something is burning.

Do you know what I mean?

The people just don’t understand about love, I guess.

John Lennon was right, the people wasn’t

Sitting in a chair and write something about feeling

I’m a rock and roll, Baby. The people isn’t. I’m a blue and you’re the light

It’s cool to be mean. Go out for the challenge,

I’m feeling guilty but this is not the end.

If I dead, so that’s the truly end.

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